Wednesday, November 17, 2010

wallpaper ( part 2 )

First wallpaper

This is the step how the picture above created :
  • First, place the original photo and double click on it, so that we can do any edition into it.

  • Duplicate the original layer and the layer will name as Layer 2. Click on Filter, select Blur then the Motion Blur. Adjust the angle become 90 degree and the distance 34 pixels.

  • Next, duplicate Layer 2 for another layer ; Layer 3. Use Magnetic Lasso Tool for only a certain part, part of the ghost. Click on Filter and select the Blur for Surface Blur. Adjust the radius 5 or 7 pixels and the treshold about 2 or 5 levels. Then copy paste on the Layer 3. So the bluring of the certain part will be appear on the Layer 2.

  • Third, for the text of Hungry Ghost Festival 2010, China, select the Text Tool and search for font Matura MT Script Capitals, Regular and with 18 pt. Then, double click on the text layer, the Layer Style will be appear, click on Drop Shadow with it angle -52 and the distance 15 px, Gradient Overlay with angle 117 degree and Stroke with 2 px.

  • Lastly, using a Brush, select a Sample Smoke. Press CtrlT for size it either to be bigger or smaller by controlling Master Diameter.  Then, double click on the layer, the Layer Style will be appear. For right, play with the Satin and the Gradient Overlay. For the left, after make a copy, play with the Inner Shadow, Inner Glow and the Gradient Overlay.

Second wallpaper

This is the step how the picture above created :

  •  Convert picture background to layer same just like an above.


  • Duplicate layer and click on Filter. Select Artistic on Cutout

  • Duplicate the layer again, using Elliptical Marquee Tool marketing the select surrounding of the image. Click on the Filter search for the folder of Distort and choose glass with the smoothness 7 and the distance 10 or 15.

  • For the text of Hungry Ghost Festival 2010, China, select the Text Tool and search for font Charlemagne Std, Bold and with 18 pt.Then, double click on the text layer, the Layer Style will be appear, click on Drop Shadow with it angle 30 degree,  the distance 8 px, spread 20% and the 76 px, sizeGradient Overlay with angle 90 degree.

  • Lastly,select Rectangle Marquee Tool and select inverse. Press CtrlDelete for Black.

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